CNA Salary in Florida

How much does a nursing assistant make in Florida? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median hourly wage for certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in Florida is $16.67 as of the latest report which was released in May of 2024. The average annual salary for the state of Florida is $36,750. CNAs in Florida on average make under the national average of $39,610 and hourly wage of $19.04. However, it’s important to note that CNA salaries can vary based on a variety of factors, including experience, location, and the type of employer. For example, CNAs who work in hospitals or other healthcare facilities typically earn more than those who work in nursing homes or assisted living facilities.

CNAs that work for larger health systems such as Advent, HCA or BayCare may earn more than CNAs working for a small nursing home network, but each organization pays differently with various pay grades. Additionally, CNAs with more experience or additional certifications may be able to command higher salaries. 

CityAverage Hourly WageAnnual Average Pay
Fort Myers$18.02$37,490

Source: Bureau of Labor and Statistics

CNA Salary in Miami 

The median hourly wage for certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in Miami, Florida is $17.93 as of May 2024, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average annual salary of a CNA in Miami is $37,300. On the higher end of the wage scale, within the 90th percentile, CNAs in Miami can make up to $43,770 per year. 

CNA Salary in Orlando

Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median hourly wage for certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in Orlando, Florida was $17.92, with an average annual salary of $37,270. CNAs who are just starting out will make closer to $30,400 per year, while those on the higher end of the wage scale will make $45,730 However, it’s important to note that this is just an estimate and that actual salaries can vary depending on a variety of factors such as experience, education, location, and the type of employer.

CNA Salary in Tampa

The average annual wage of a CNA in Tampa is  $37,300 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.  This number is based on hourly wages and an assumed 40-hour work week. The average hourly wage is $19.93. Those working at a higher-paying institution with more work experience may make around $45,220 per year. 

CNA Salary in Jacksonville

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median hourly wage for CNAs in Jacksonville, Florida was $17.86 as of May 2024. The average annual salary for CNAs in Jacksonville is $37,150. Those CNAs who are making in the 90th percentile wage can make up to $43,790. 

When evaluating earning potential for Certified Nurse Assistants across the state of Florida, it is important to remember that each market is different. Additionally, a wage or salary likely will vary depending on the amount of experience the CNA has gained. Finally, hospitals, nursing homes, in-home care and assisted living centers all have various pay structures as well as overtime opportunities, which will have an impact on how much a CNA can make annually.